“Parable of the Rich Fool”
Lesson brought to you by: Brother Petras Jesus taught great moral truths by using great human tragedies. One such episode is His parable…
According To His Mercy
Introduction: What motivates you to attend services? What motivates you to live a godly life? What motivates you to maintain good works? The…
GALATIANS 6:2 One thing we do as Christians is talk about the necessity of love. But what does love look like? In this…
The Truth About Jesus’ Birth
I. When was Jesus born? What is the date of Jesus’ birth? Was He born on Dec. 25th, year 0? The only authentic…
Are You A Champion For God?
When we think of champions. . .we think of folks who win sports titles in various capacities. . .either as a team or…
Remind Them…
Paul instructed Titus to teach Christians on Crete (a Greek island) to LIVE above the world. The world’s behaviour is sick, immoral, and…
“The Two Gates…”
Someone wrote and requested that I go into full detail on the subject of the “Two Gates” Jesus spoke about in Matthew 7:13-14:…
“Work Out Your Own Salvation”
Introduction: Our Heavenly Father wants everyone to be saved. (I Timothy 2:3-4) “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God…
“What is our job as Christians?”
So what is our job as christians all about…? How do we know about our purpose in life is…? What do the scriptures…
What Does “Being Spiritual” Really Mean?
Introduction: How often have you heard the words “spiritual” tossed around today, especially on TV? It is often claimed, “He is so spiritual.” …